847-719-COOL (2665)

img  Frequently Asked Questions

What size Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning unit should I have for my home?

It depends on the square footage and available duct work in the home. Contact us at (847) 719-2665for a free estimate with our comfort consultant.

How is the efficiency of heating and cooling equipment measured? 

It is measured in SEERS. The higher the SEER rating, the larger the coil is, thus more efficient (temperature difference between entering air vs. discharge air). Gas Furnaces are measured in AFUE.

How much does a new replacement system cost? 

It depends on the size of equipment needed and what filtration system or zoning system you would like. Contact us at (847) 719-2665 for more information and a specific estimate.

What are the advantages of a programmable thermostat? 

Helps you save energy by setting temperature back during unoccupied hours.

What is a good temperature to set my thermostat at? 

72 degrees. If it is very hot outside, setting it any lower will not accomplish any difference.

Is there anything I should before calling for service?

Check your breaker panel and make sure it’s on. Also check to make sure your thermostat is requesting the desired temperature. To call for service dial (847) 719-2665.

Do electronic air cleaners really work? What is the maintenance to keep it going? 

Yes they work, and with little to no maintenance cost. You just need to keep them clean regularly (monthly with continuous fan usage).

What maintenance should I do on my air conditioner? 

Make sure to keep a clean filter in place at the air handling unit, and prevent any vegetation from growing around it. Everything else should be done by a heating and cooling contractor. Call us at (847) 719-2665 at to schedule a maintenance call.

How often should I have maintenance on my heating and cooling system?

Twice a year, preferably in the spring and fall. Call us at (847) 719-2665 at to schedule a checkup.

Should I close registers? 

One or two is okay, but generally speaking it is not a good idea. This causes air flow restrictions. 

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All requests will be answered within one hour during business hours or by 9:00 a.m. on the next business day.

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Customer Comments

Russ Ackerman's team is great. They installed a whole house humidifier . They were quick, clean and very professional even suggesting some very meaningful modifications. I would recommend them for any of your residential HVAC needs.

—Michael Meehan